Implementation of a PCB printing system for electronic circuits on phenolic board with computerized numerical control CNC

  • Verónica Paulina Freire Andrade Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Cristian David Pachacama Tipán Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Denis Mauricio Toapanta Herrera Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: PCB, CNC phenolic plate, THT, SMT.


The present technological proposal has as main objective to apply a printing system of PCB´s for electronic circuits on a phenolic board with a computerized numerical control CNC destined to the Electromechanical engineering career of the Cotopaxi Technical University being a student´s necessity and in occasions the realization as technological proposals. The printing system of PCB´s with technology CNC is able to perform a complete roughing process, drilling and cut in copper plates. The time and automatic process of manufacture are the important factors which preside to the technological proposal because with the implementation of the CNC device it was determined a significant time reduction regarding to basic methods and in addition the total elimination of the chemical attack process, contributing to the environment preservation. To achieve this, it was taken some design considerations for the proposal, through mechanical transmission electronic and electric systems each one of them details the implantation process of CNC device on the requirement of suitable features in order to drilling milling and cutting focused in manufacture engineering making THT and SMT Cards.


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