Cost of production and sales with variation in the execution time of the derivatives of chaguarmishqui in the La Argentina neighborhood, Salcedo canton
Introduction. The present investigation establishes a study on the production and sales costs with variation in the execution time of the Chaguarmishqui derivatives, also known as cabuya candy, which has a great potential to be used in multiple preparations, it is mentioned the active and nutritious components such as insulin and fructose, ideal for people suffering from various types of blood diseases. Objective. To identify the costs of production and sales with variation in the time of execution of Chaguarmishqui derivatives in the neighborhood of La Argentina, Salcedo canton. Methodology. This study corresponds to a qualitative - descriptive type of research, with a field inquiry because the main ideas of a small group of farmers dedicated to the production of cabuya were collected, this analysis was carried out through the application of a questionnaire with basic questions that were answered in a personal and documentary interview based on scientific articles, theses and books related to the research topic. Results. The research showed that so far there is no industry in the country dedicated to the exploitation of this input as a natural sweetener, or products prepared with chaguarmishqui, although it has a high nutritional value, but the lack of knowledge in the production of pencos and the elaboration of products based on sweet penco or cabuya, leads to the loss of a large market that is not being exploited, in addition to the limitations in technological, human and financial resources. Conclusion. It was concluded that small producers are unaware of the commercial efforts involved in promoting products in the market and marketing efforts on economic activity. General area of study: Business education and administration. Specific area of study: Financial management, creation and entrepreneurship.
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