Clean production system for effluent management in leather physical testing laboratories

Keywords: Production, wastewater, lime, bath.


The study focused on designing a Cleaner Production System for managing effluents in the physical testing laboratory of leather in the northern region of Ecuador. The total discharge volume of wastewater and contaminants present in the effluents were identified, and action strategies were established. A wastewater treatment was designed through the recovery of the depilation bath, which allowed for a direct recirculation of 73% of the water for reuse, without modifying the properties of the product. The depilation filtration process reduced the presence of organic matter retained in the effluent by 18%. Additionally, it generated considerable savings of sulfides and lime, with an approximate reduction of 47% and 55%, respectively. The applied technique reduced the cost of wastewater treatment due to lower water and input consumption. One of the main limitations is the number of times the depilation bath can be recirculated, as the presence of salts increases and can affect the physicochemical characteristics of the leather. Therefore, the amount of water to be replenished with each recirculation must be accurately defined. It was concluded that implemented Cleaner Production technologies not only aim to prevent pollution and improve input efficiency, but they can also be a strategic point to improve product quality and be more competitive in the sector. It is important to consider that the solution lies in an overall improvement of the production process, minimizing material and energy losses and maximizing resource efficiency.


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