Web application for skills with hearing disabilities in educational units in the La Maná canton

Keywords: Web application, CMS, WordPress, Hearing Disability, Blog.


This research project was carried out with the collaboration of the “La Mana” high school of La Mana City, Cotopaxi province, as a support function for the education of students with hearing disabilities, the teaching processes that are carried out manually as didactic cards that are tools for student performance. Therefore, the objective is to implement a web application of information articles that allow dissemination with systematic pedagogical support tools in favor of increasing auditory skills in deaf children and young people. To know the teaching process of “La Maná” high school, surveys were carried out with the director of the "Student Counselling Department”, to identify the problems and needs of the institution. The MVC architecture was applied, with the help of the CMS Content Management System in conjunction with the WordPress tool and the Scrum methodology working style in the web environment. Unified Modelling Language (UML) for the development of diagrams. The web application consists of a register of registered users to the website where they can view content published on the blog page, which will have text content, multimedia, links, the downloadable embedded game will have a post form that can publish on the blog. Resulting in the site of Pedagogical Support for Hearing Impairment with the information management DECE Department.


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