A competences model for the tutorial role of the teaching function in tertiary education
This research came from the influence of social changes in education, in order to support the need for a change in the educational roles, facing the new learning challenges. The aim of the research was to propose a new model of educational skills for the tutor teacher, model which can advantage the learning process in the Basic Education Career of the Cotopaxi Technical University. To reach this goal, an analysis about recent educational theories was done, which propose a new approach, according to the requirements of the XXI century. After that, a field research was carried out, taking in account the current situation of the educational roles. Some shortcomings came up in the learning processes, which depend on features resulting from traditional education. Nevertheless, the Basic Education Career’s students, teachers and authorities were willing to face a change and a proposal was therefore submitted, taking in account both theoretical and field research. The proposal contains some important skills for the tutorial role, and these require a change both in the teacher’s and student’s attitude. In this proposal the learning process assumes a central role, whose responsibility is equally shared between students and teachers.
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