Planning and customer satisfaction: quality management system in production units

Keywords: Planning, customer satisfaction, Servqual Model, quality of services, production units.


This research presents a quantitative approach, based on the paradigm of post-positivism with a descriptive correlational cross-sectional level. Its objective is to determine the relationship between planning and customer satisfaction within the Production Units of the Technical University of Ambato, for which a survey questionnaire was applied as an instrument for collecting information, which consists of 17 items that were structured based on the international standard ISO 9001-2015 which deals with the Quality Management System and specifically about numeral 8. 5.1 which deals with the control of production and service provision, the same that allows to support the implementation of activities for monitoring and measuring processes in certain periods of time, in order to avoid human errors. The instrument was applied to 11 heads of the Production Units, subsequently, the normality of the data was determined by means of the Shapiro Wilk test, which established that parametric statistics should be applied; to determine the existing relationship between the study variables, the Pearson statistical test was applied, obtaining as a result a value of (r = 0.338), which indicates that there is a weak positive correlation between the planning and customer satisfaction; for this reason, it is suggested that all the Production Units should apply parametric statistics to determine the relationship between the study variables.


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