Quality of online service of hotels in the city of Ambato – Ecuador

  • Rommel Alejandro López Silva Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • José Andrés Naranjo Vallejo Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Ricardo Patricio Medina Chicaiza Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2736-8214
Keywords: Quality of service, hotel sector, online service.


Service quality is defined as converting customer-oriented improvement processes to achieve degrees of excellence in all services or products offered by a company. The objective of this research project is to evaluate the quality of the online service belonging to the hotel sector in Ambato - Ecuador and thus contribute to the measurement of the quality of service in hotels in the área, for this, a state of the art was carried out, with empirical methods with accredited sources such as bibliographic references. In addition, from a direct observation and application of the Google PageSpeed Insights platform to evaluate the quality of the different websites of the hotel sector based on the different dimensions that allowed us to know the performance presented by the web pages. Thus, the present study was carried out at 4 four-star hotels in the city of Ambato, where Hotel Miraflores and Hotel Emperador obtained a high average in terms of the dimensions studied, as well as the performance of the metrics of the web pages showed a positive result aimed at improvements. Therefore, actions aimed at improvement framed in the user experience with the implementation of technological tools and constant monitoring of them were proposed.


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