Psychological disorders caused by covid-19 in Guayaquil in frontline health professionals

Keywords: Psychological disorders, Health, Professionals, Covid-19.


The protection of the mental health of health professionals is an indispensable and permanent component in the management of health systems and services, which has manifested itself forcefully with the pandemic. The physical effort, mental pressure and strenuous work faced by health personnel leads to mental exhaustion that, together with the fear of exposure to contagion, which together with the fear that the country faced with a new pandemic such as COVID-19, caused an imbalance mental and emotional to doctors and nursing staff. Among the main disorders that affect the mental state of frontline health personnel we have anxiety, fear and depression, which can trigger chronic stress that causes burnout syndrome, affecting work performance due to the increase in administrative tasks (protocols, records electronics, among others), the number of patients, the availability and exposure of health personnel to electronic media, the decrease in the resources necessary to perform the assigned tasks that lead to the collapse of health professionals..


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