Analysis of street trade in the central neighborhood of La Maná canton and its incidence on the profitability of PYMES
The present study develops a subjective analysis of the incidence of itinerant commerce in the profitability of PYMES through a situational analysis with the help of the SWOT matrix, in the same way it seeks to identify the perception that the owners have of the levels of profitability with reference to itinerant commerce for which it conducts a survey, it also makes use of the statistical program SPSS to determine the relationship between itinerant commerce and the profitability of PYMES. As results of the SWOT Matrix and its derived EFI and EFE matrices, they tell us that the internal and external aspects are favorable for the development and spread of the activity. The relationship coefficient produced by the SPSS statistical model is -0.180 between the variables Economic crisis and job creation and -0.184 between the variables itinerant trade and profitability of PYMES. The study supports field and exploratory research, mainly in the same way, it makes use of the analytical, synthetic and deductive method, supported by techniques such as the survey, SWOT Matrix and Observation. The study reflects that itinerant commerce has many factors that support its growth, but this generates an impact on the perception of the profitability of PYMES, for which it recommends that the municipality of the canton have greater control of this activity in order to regulate and standardize. free trade and fair competition between street vendors and SME owners.
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