Comparative analysis of electricity and liquefied petroleum gas consumption in extruders

Keywords: heat transfer, electric resistor, industrial burners, polyethylene, extrusion.


This project is part of the research subline "Energy efficiency in electromechanical systems and use of renewable energy sources" of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, in which it is intended to make a comparative analysis of energy efficiency for different heating methods in extruders machines for the plastic casting process, to achieve this objective, the study was carried out in two equipment property of INGYTEP factory, the first uses a fully electric method, while the second is composed of a liquefied petroleum gas LPG heater, of which data on energy consumption, efficiency, production costs and heating times were obtained for their respective comparative analysis. From the results obtained, it is concluded the electric heating method maintains an advantage in heat transfer, lower heat losses and better performance compared to the liquefied petroleum gas technique, which translates into a lower monthly production cost. In turn, the LPG machine achieved an advantage in reaching and maintaining the adequate extrusion temperature in a shorter time compared to the electric heating of the second equipment, as well as less waste and a greater amount of production. Finally, future research is proposed to improve the deficiencies found in each of the methods.


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