Administrative management model in legal studies in the canton of La Maná
The present investigation is based on the design of an administrative management model to improve the quality of services in the legal studies of the La Mana canton, this problem arose due to the non-existence of an administrative management model that guides the development of the activities of organized way. In order to meet the stated objective, an exploratory and descriptive research was carried out to carry out a detailed description of the processes developed through flowcharts and surveys, as well as interviews with the owners of the legal studies. Among the methods used are deductive, analytical to carry out the deduction of results and statistics for their presentation. The research population consisted of 30 partners and 60 employees of the legal studies of the Pre-Association of Lawyers of the La Mana canton. The result obtained through the surveys and interviews allowed us to diagnose that the processes of the judicial cases have not been established, in addition, there is no defined structural organization chart and there are shortcomings in the documentation file. Given this, the design of a model of administrative management by processes was considered adequate through the analysis of the micro-environment of legal studies with their respective weightings, the description of the macro-administrative process in sub-processes of: legislative, executive management, legal services, administrative, operational management and human resources. The model of administrative management by processes, contemplated the focus on the client, unity of command, unity of direction, stability and duration of the personnel in a position, focus on processes and strategies of discipline and order; which will allow to guide administrative activities in an organized manner and offer a better quality of services to users. The analysis of the impacts made it possible to know that the impact generated by the development of the research was 3.38, equivalent to high, because the strategies were designed according to the needs of legal studies.
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