Pseudotallo placed in the children of banana as a nutritional supply to accelerate its development
Banana production, both in yield and quality, is directly related to the amount of nutrients present in the soil that can be contributed during the growth period. The nutritional use of banana pseudostem in the development of the shoots can be an attractive way to manage crop residues with additional beneficial effects. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of pseudostems placed on banana children on their development. It was carried out in the farm of Mr. Emilio Cedeño Landires in the canton Naranjal, Guayas Province, with the coordinates UTM: X 661300, and 9718995 in a banana crop (Musa A.A.A) already established. The experimental design used was a Latin Square with four treatments, including the absolute control, the averages were compared by the Tukey test, with a 5% probability of error including the absolute control. The evaluated variables were: height increase, increase of the diameter of the son and leaf emission. The pseudostem used to cover the shoots, tends to exert a positive effect on the height increase and the diameter of the child until 45 days after having been placed in it, although no statistical differences were detected with the control. The leachate of the pseudostem seems to stimulate the presence of buds in the son and the superficial roots in the mother plant probably due to the high content of organic matter contributed.
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