Prototype machine for the separation and removal of ferromagnetic particles from shredded tires
This research project is based on "Implementation of a prototype machine for separation and removal of ferromagnetic particles from shredded tires", using scientific references as bibliographic background on the separation and removal of ferromagnetic particles in tire shredding processes, it was developed In favor of the students of the Electromechanical Engineering Career of the Technical University of Cotopaxi Extension La Maná, for the construction of the prototype machine, the modeling of the prototype was carried out applying the Autodesk Inventor software, which complies with the modeling and analysis parameters. of the elements, by means of the Von Mises method and finite elements applied in the elements of the prototype machine, in the manufacture of the magnetic drum, 8-inch AISI 304 steel pipe was used as the ideal material, since the same properties of this material provide higher quality at work to be low in magnetic conductivity, with the implementation of C8 ceramic magnets generating a magnetic field that facilitated the separation and removal of metallic impurities from the product such as NFU crushed rubber, the final product of the process is used in the manufacture of synthetic floors, waterproofing and even the metallic particles will have their final destination to the large metallurgical industries, the project achieved a high social impact since it is an alternative for generating employment creating a social culture, once the prototype was designed, the equipment was assembled to develop the respective tests that guarantee the adequate separation and removal of ferromagnetic particles
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