Evolution, challenges and prospects of Electromechanical engineering
The Electromechanical Engineer is a professional prepared to develop with capacity, technical works involved in the field of mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic, electronic systems and installations in general. Electromechanical Engineering is constantly evolving with challenges and perspectives. In its function, it relies on a solid base of science and mathematics capable of knowing how, when and where to apply their knowledge, techniques and skills to generate solutions. Based on the performance expected by the Electromechanical Engineer, this article is part of a descriptive level research based on bibliographic and electronic reviews, establishing features that define its profile, according to the areas it manages such as: Area of knowledge Mechanic, Electrical Knowledge Area, Human Capital Knowledge Area, Knowledge Area in Project Management, Research and Teaching Area also presents an approach to the prospects of modern Electromechanical Engineering taking as its main function, developing technological solutions to social needs , industrial or economic. Likewise, it uses the knowledge of science, mathematics and the appropriate experience to give solutions to concrete problems, confronting with practical and analytical vision the most immediate problems of the profession.
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