Analysis of tools used in software development case study: follow-up to graduates of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, La Maná Extension
Society evolves rapidly, therefore its demands increase, being increasingly complex. However, computer tools (in English), are programs, applications or simply instructions used to carry out other tasks more easily. For this reason, the research work that is presented reports an análisis on the development of the web system for information management, specifically of the graduate monitoring department. Where they have made use of different free tools for its development and in this way manage the information considering the necessary requirements for access by graduates. This to manage and consult information that allows continued accessibility. The program integrates the management of the information of graduates of all the degrees of the Technical University of Cotopaxi extension La Maná, the system presents various alternatives for manipulation and as an important axis the respective security is taken into account, preventing the information from being violated. The system has the alternative of an administrator and the user, where it allows access to a login to make use of it from an internet access point, allowing the user to easily search for information.
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