Rizosfera de las asociaciones de gramíneas y leguminosas de interés ganadero
Understanding how soil microorganisms and the relationship they have with the forages used in animal husbandry which led to frame research questions "Rhizosphere associations of grasses and legumes for livestock interest in the province of Los Ríos during the April-May 2014 where the objectives were considered the presence of fungi and yeasts; assess the nutritional value and establish the relationship of microbial composition in nutritional value. Design was used entirely for experimental research, randomized with four treatments and five replicates and a total of three experimental units. The associations were the combination of savoy grasses (Megathyrsus maximus) and Brachiaria decumbens (Brachiaria) with Kudzú (Pueraria phoseloides) and legumes Clitoria (Clitoria ternatea) which are evaluated at the age of 60 days. The experimental units were set up in plastic bags at the end of 60 days the variables root length (cm), root weight (g) and forage biomass (g) was evaluated; microorganisms were identified using 3M Petrifilm plate for determining the nutritional value proposed by proximate analysis was used AOAC. The results allowed the presence of Azotobacter vinelandii in the association's Savoy kudzú grass and butterfly pea, Azotobacter beijerinckii in the association of Brachiaria decumbens and Clitoria more kudzú. The increased presence of yeasts and molds was presented at the association's kudzú Savoy with 3.57 x 106 CFU bacteria and B's kudzú decumbens 6.84 x 107. The association of Savoy's kudzú pasture had the highest protein level of 18.20%. The relationship between the level of protein and bacteria is of 6.66%, to fungi and yeasts is 37.32%.
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