The role play: didactic strategy in the development of values at the initial level

  • Paola de los Angeles Carvajal Technical University of Ambato
  • Irelys Sánchez Fernández Technical University of Ambato
  • Yoel Hernández Navarro Technical University of Ambato
  • Jimena Paola Mantilla García Technical University of Ambato
Keywords: Role-playing, didactic strategy, values, creative skills, mental representations


The present article is based on research conducted by (Sánchez & Carvajal, 2022), that arises from educational problem on the Role play as didactic strategy in the development of values at the Initial Level. Which is described within a mixed approach, with a socio-critical paradigm, which puts into consideration the causes that constitute the phenomenon. It is for this reason that, framed in a basic research design, through a descriptive scope it encompasses the criteria of some experts that allow generating reliable results, thanks to the collection of data and contrasting of the information, in this way and; the use of the virtual platforms Teams and Zoom has been chosen as the main way of access. Regarding data collection, a convenience sampling was carried out and three techniques were applied within the Initial Sublevel II, such as: interview, non-participatory observation and survey, with their respective instruments (script of structured questions, observation sheet and questionnaire of closed questions). Consequently, favorable results have been obtained, since integrating this important didactic strategy from an early age favors the acquisition of human values and the development of creative skills, through mental representations of reality. The data were analyzed in two parts, that is, the qualitative data through triangulation and the quantitative data through the use of statistical graphs with the help of the Excel program and on this occasion a hypothesis verification was made with T-student.


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