Collaborative learning and the teaching of reading

  • Katty Patricia Sánchez Manobanda Technical University of Ambato
  • Andreina Lizbeth Aguilar López Technical University of Ambato
  • Erika Stephany Pérez Izurieta Technical University of Ambato
  • Katherine Johanna Coba Naranjo Technical University of Ambato
Keywords: Learning, reading, teaching, encouragement and motivation


The present study called "Collaborative learning and reading teaching "has as its objective the existence of a correlation between these variables, based on the abilities that students have when working in a group through the use of any method Learning. A qualitative and quantitative methodology is applied, since data from secondary sources are used to know and describe the situation of needs those students have to work as it is in the case of collaborative learning and a teaching of reading, in addition an investigation was carried out exhaustive based on scientific articles, magazines, theses among others. Results. Based on the most relevant results, it is that in the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of the Tourism and Sport Pedagogy career there is a correlation between this theme since collaborative learning is essential for the teaching of reading. Within the educational area, the percentage of teachers who promote collaborative learning in students is effective since they do not present problems in the use of this problem, it should be emphasized that it is important to continue motivating students so that they have a respectful and effective education through His learning.


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