Observation as a learning assessment instrument

  • Raúl Yungán Yungán Technical University of Ambato
  • Patricia Lorena Sarco Sánchez Technical University of Ambato
  • Paola Elizabeth Eugenio Cando Genesis Educational Unit
  • Yasmín Yuliana Yarce Quinteros Technical University of Ambato
Keywords: Observation, instrument, evaluation, Language and Literature.


In the present investigative work, the importance of evaluating with the instruments of the observation technique in the learning processes of the subject of Language and Literature in the Educational Unit "Nicolas Martínez" of the city of Ambato is analyzed. In the evaluation process, observation is essential in any formative evaluation of students, with the sole purpose of improving the quality of teaching-learning because it is not only necessary to assign them a note, commonly known as a quantitative qualification. For this reason, the research was carried out from a qualitative and quantitative approach from the perception of teachers who work with school children, at a descriptive exploratory level. The information for this research was obtained through bibliographic and documentary reviews and through surveys directed to 15 teachers of the aforementioned institution. The most relevant results indicate some schemes and procedures: observation sheet, checklist, field journal, among others. And from the teacher's perception, the urgent need to know and apply different instruments of the observation technique to evaluate the skills, competences and performance of the students is highlighted. Finally, it is concluded that through this technique the degree of knowledge appropriated by the student body can be appreciated, facilitating the evaluation process for both teachers and students.


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