Education 4.0 excite to teach and learn: Approaches from educational paradigms

  • Diego Eduardo Apolo Buenaño National University of Education, UNAE
  • Jesús Armando Quintero Barberi National University of Education, UNAE
  • Nancy Maribel Naranjo González National University of Education, UNAE
Keywords: education 4.0, technology, emotions, paradigms, teaching-learning


Education is one of the most important means for the construction of the human being within society; since, it will depend a lot on the way in which they learned the way in which they can develop and make decisions throughout their lives. For this reason, it is important to recognize that this has had different evolutions and each one has been accompanied by styles and practices to apply it. This is how this text presents a review of paradigms that have set trends and that have provided perspectives for their implementation. Finally, the identification of teaching roles, challenges and proposals that allow us to understand that none overlaps another; rather, that they complement each other is the fundamental piece that provides guidelines for a path towards education 4.0, where the use of technologies from a socio-critical approach, interaction and emotions are the basis for educational transformation.


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