Psychopedagogical guidance: The process of meaningful learning
The research project was conducted on "psycho-pedagogical guidance in the process of meaningful learning" considering that education today has developed changes in the dynamics of teaching. For this reason, its purpose was focused on studying the incidence of psycho-pedagogical orientation and how it helps to obtain significant learning in the mentioned students. Accordingly, a search of diverse bibliographic material was carried out in order to provide answers to the proposed variables. The methodological process was developed through a mixed approach; with a descriptive, explanatory and correlational level, of bibliographic and field type, therefore, in the psycho-pedagogical orientation variable, it was applied to students of 10th year of basic education; in the same way, in the significant learning, another survey related to the variable was applied to the same students. In addition, a rating scale was applied to contrast psycho-pedagogical orientation and meaningful learning in students. The results obtained showed that the psycho-pedagogical orientation applied by teachers helps to achieve quality education, representing an essential element to achieve significant learning in students. Through the data obtained it was possible to validate the alternative hypothesis, by means of Pearson's correlational statistical test. Finally, strategies were established for teachers on the psycho-pedagogical orientation that contribute to the significant learning of students based on the academic environment.
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