Artistic expression and the development of autonomy at the initial level

  • Norma Carolina Rubio Flores Technical University of Ambato
  • Jimena Paola Mantilla García Technical University of Ambato
  • Irelys Sánchez Fernández Technical University of Ambato
  • Tamara Yajaira Ballesteros Casco Technical University of Ambato
Keywords: Artistic expression, dance, autonomy development, and early education.


This study about artistic expression and the development of autonomy based on dance, is described as an ideological, physical, communicative tool of vital importance in the development of the "autonomous being"; because it contributes to the educational and mechanical relationship of the initial stage. It follows the line of socio-behavioral and educational research concerning artistic expression and the development of autonomy based on dance, which in turn, has a quantitative approach supported by a documentary, bibliographic and field research; therefore, scopes such as correlational and explanatory will detail study phenomena with the objective of associating them to the interpretation of literature, which describes, provides and enhances in an integral-harmonic way children's learning based on individual interests, capacities and concerns through playful, artistic experiences, exposed in the axes, areas and skills that fit the personality, socio-affective, cognitive, linguistic and physical-motor learning styles that retain and drive the child towards the best quality of educational life. Which concluded in the objective of relating artistic expression with the development of autonomy; making use of innovative activities of the game-work methodology and the Bapne method at the same time, in such a way that the cognitive stimuli in neuro-motricity are activated through the use of corporal and musical percussion. In addition, to verify the null hypothesis that in this case addresses that: dancing does not influence the development of autonomy of children in early childhood education level II.  


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