Flipped classroom in early childhood education
The study focuses on analyzing the application of flipped classroom in early childhood education and its impact on the teaching and learning process. Through a review of academic literature, the effectiveness and relevance of this pedagogical approach in the context of early childhood education are investigated. The work begins by contextualizing education at the early childhood level and identifying the challenges associated with traditional teaching methods. The importance of adopting innovative approaches that promote active student participation and develop essential skills from an early age is emphasized. It explores how these foundations support the implementation of the flipped classroom in early childhood education with 5 to 6-year-old children, allowing them to construct their own knowledge and promoting cognitive, social, and emotional development. Key roles in the flipped classroom applied at this level are addressed, with an emphasis on the teacher's role as a facilitator of learning, students as active participants, and parents or caregivers as collaborators in the educational process. In addition, practical strategies for implementing the flipped classroom in early childhood education are presented, including selecting appropriate multimedia resources, effective communication with parents, engaging in hands-on and playful activities, adapting educational materials, formative assessment, and integrating technology. In conclusion, the importance of the flipped classroom in early childhood education as an innovative approach that enhances the teaching and learning process and promotes the holistic development of young children is highlighted. Practical recommendations for successful implementation are provided, and the need for future research and evidence-based practices in this field is emphasized.
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