Herramientas de conversión de voz a texto basadas en la web para mejorar la pronunciación del idioma inglés: un estudio descriptivo

  • Xavier Sulca Guale Technical University of Ambato
  • Adriana Nicole Lozano Celleri Technical University of Ambato
  • Marbella Cumanda Escalante Gamazo Technical University of Ambato
  • Rafael Ricardo Arias Huertas ISTE Higher University Technological Institute
Keywords: Web-based speech-to-text tools, Benefits, Pronunciation features, Pronunciation strategies.


The current study determined the importance of pronunciation through the web-based speech-to-text tools to enhance the English language pronunciation. A total of 73 university students (33 males and 40 females) participated in this descriptive and non-experimental research. The data was gathered through a survey with 29 items on a Likert scale and, 3 open-ended questions. It was validated by experts and with the coefficient Cronbach’s Alpha (0,856). Moreover, it was based on three research questions. The results revealed that web-based speech-to-text tools are a good means of practicing pronunciation because it has free access, the speaker's voice adapts smoothly, and it converts the spoken phrases and words into text. Learners pointed out that web-based speech-to-text tools have several benefits such as encouraging them to improve their pronunciation and speaking and oral communication skills. They assist students to develop pronunciation features, and they promote autonomous work. Furthermore, there are many strategies to put into practice the improvement of pronunciation. Most of the students preferred the use of media by watching videos or listening to music or podcasts in English and they usually repeat the pronunciation of sounds and words. However, pronunciation rules are not considered as a principal strategy because learners do not have sufficient knowledge of them, and they are not implemented in the curriculum or lesson planning.


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