Cultivate a passion for learning in a psychopedagogical environment
The present work was carried out in order to analyze the importance of cultivating the passion for learning in a psycho-pedagogical environment and based on this, the following specific objectives are detailed: Identify learning strategies to cultivate the passion for learning and to know if the teachers of the Educational Unit "Javier" work with learning strategies that encourage their students to a passion for learning. For this research, a descriptive exploratory study was carried out, with a quantitative approach, where a survey was presented to the teachers of the "Javier" Educational Unit to determine if strategies that cultivate the passion for learning are used. According to this study, it was known that the importance of the passion for learning is good, since it does not only help in the educational field, on the contrary, it becomes a guide for the student to learn to solve problems of daily life, This passion for learning will serve him throughout his life, however, it is known that there is a deficiency in the practice of learning strategies, which means that the passion for learning is not cultivated.
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