Challenge-based learning as a teaching strategy learning in the subject of language and literature
The main objective of this research was to identify the application of the methodology as learning based on challenges in the subject of Language and Literature in Basic Higher School of Basic Education "Eugenio Espejo". Today's educational establishments must adapt to the new demands of educational, pedagogical and didactic models. Faced with this reality, teachers must become axiological, relevant and timely actors of the academy. For this reason, it is essential to investigate which teaching methodologies are adequate to strengthen the teaching-learning processes. Faced with this reality, it is necessary to identify how challenge-based learning is involved in the learning processes of the Language and Literature subject. This research has a qualitative and quantitative approach with a descriptive and exploratory level. The modality for this research is bibliographic and field, seeking information in various sources and resources of the institution, having an approach to the population studied. In addition, the survey technique was used with the instrument structured questions and interviews with teachers from the "Eugenio Espejo" School of Basic Education. After an extensive analysis, the result was reached that this challenge-based learning with its elements generates significant learning, allows students to connect with their environment and remain active during the challenge. Finally, it is concluded that this learning influences students to develop new skills and abilities from this challenge, achieving positive results in this research.
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