Disruptive behaviors in interpersonal relations
This research was carried out with the aim of analysing disruptive behaviour in the interpersonal relationships of students in General Basic Education (EGB) at the "Nueva Esperanza" Educational Unit in the canton of Ambato. In addition, the study variables were theoretically based and the attitudes that show disruptive behaviour were identified, and interpersonal relationships were assessed. The aim of the work carried out was to distinguish the negative situations of the student body, including aggressiveness, indiscipline and difficulties in the teaching-learning process, which are currently more frequently observed in educational institutions and which, when not controlled, become a problem. The methodology applied was a non-experimental design, quantitative approach; bibliographic, documentary and field research; descriptive research level, the technique used was the survey and the instrument applied was a questionnaire; and the population surveyed was 49 students in sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth grades of EGB. The results obtained reflected the presence of disruptive behaviours in the classroom, although they are not considered alarming, if they are not dealt with appropriately, they can have an unfavourable impact on school coexistence. In short, it allowed for reflection on actions that would make it possible to improve children's behaviour in order to create and foster positive social relations with their peers and other adults.
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