Self-esteem and its relationship with the level of physical activity in students
The objective of the present study is to relate self-esteem with the level of physical activity in second level students of the Physical Activity and Sport Pedagogy Career. The sampling was non-probabilistic by convenience of 35 students out of a total population of 800 students of the degree program in question. A quantitative approach was used to analyze the numerical data obtained through the Rosenberg self-esteem test, and the level of physical activity was measured with the IPAQ test, which allowed us to measure the level of physical activity of the students. Due to its non-experimental design, since the variables were not manipulated. Because of its correlational scope to determine whether physical activity has an impact on students' self-esteem. Field study, since data was collected from primary sources with the purpose of analyzing the level of self-esteem and physical activity in second level students of Physical Activity and Sport Pedagogy. Cross-sectional since the standardized tests were used only once. Hypothetical deductive to determine the relationship between physical activity and self-esteem. Therefore, we can say that according to the data obtained, self-esteem and the level of physical activity are related and there is an important incidence for students to have a high self-esteem as could be contrasted in the results. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to perform physical activity, as long as it is done in a moderate and adequate way, with which people will improve their lifestyle and quality of life.
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