Decision-making support system to improve educational management. Secondary Education of the district management 02d03 – Guaranda

  • Freddy Patricio Baño Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes UNIANDES, Ambato
  • Ángel Ramiro Palacios Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes UNIANDES, Ambato
  • Fausto Alberto Viscaino Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes UNIANDES, Ambato
  • Henry William Baño Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes UNIANDES, Ambato
Keywords: Decision Support Systems, DSS, Education Management, Guaranda


We are currently surrounded by large volumes of data, which are generated daily as a result of different processes; The proper processing of this data can mark the success or lack of processing can lead to the failure of an institution, organization or company. It is for this reason that several visits were first made to the District Education Directorate of the Guaranda canton, Bolívar Province; where it was concluded that in this educational unit there is a high risk of loss of information, because the majority of the data source is in physical format and very few in digital format; In addition, there is no centralized data warehouse that has historical, normalized data, with high levels of security and that can be extracted for analysis and decision-making support. There is also a high level of ignorance about the state of academic performance of private, fiscal and missionary educational institutions; which makes it difficult to take improvement actions for the benefit of education. Historically, no one has cared about processing existing data to generate relevant information that supports decision making. It is for these main reasons that a data analysis system called “Decision Support System” (DSS) was built and implemented, which is characterized by being developed with Open Source tools from the Pentaho Suite; which will allow us to know the state of the academic performance of educational institutions of different modalities and supports; through analytical activities such as ad hoc reporting and OLAP analysis.


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How to Cite
BañoF. P., Palacios Ángel R., ViscainoF. A., & BañoH. W. (2018). Decision-making support system to improve educational management. Secondary Education of the district management 02d03 – Guaranda. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 1(2), 95-106. Retrieved from
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