Lean six sigma methodology for the production process of fresh cheeses

  • Lilia Teonila Cervantes Rodríguez Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Xavier Espín Beltrán Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Raúl Guevara Viera Universidad de Cuenca, Azuay
Keywords: Dairy, Six sigma link, Processes, Cheeses


The productive diagnosis of the dairy plant APRODEMAC, considered in the category of small business, located in the province of Cotopaxi. the Ishikawa diagram method was used to identify the fundamental problems in cheese production, the results allow to justify that there are difficulties in the productive efficiency of the company and in the control of the parameters of quality of the raw material and in different stages of the cheese manufacturing process. The objective of this paper is to develop a lean Six Sigma methodology for the production process of fresh cheeses using the DMAIC method, which allows the improvement of the production process in dairy companies. The experimental results of the characterization of the raw material, the stages of the production process of fresh cheeses are presented through the flowchart and information of the final product obtained. It describes the proposal of the Lean Six Sigma methodology in the milk processing plant for the manufacture of cheeses that facilitates the processes of improvements in the production of cheeses and the control of quality parameters with the consequent increase of their sales and profits.


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How to Cite
Cervantes RodríguezL. T., Espín BeltránX., & Guevara VieraR. (2022). Lean six sigma methodology for the production process of fresh cheeses. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 6(1), 44-58. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación