Study of the methodologies used to estimate Technical Losses in Feeders using the Modeling of their Components through the CYMDIST Software

  • Edison Changoluisa Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Michael Salazar Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Secundino Marrero Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Reliability, Distribution system, Technical Losses, CYMDIST


When electrical energy is transmitted from generation plants to users through transmission and distribution networks, energy and power losses occur due to the physical characteristics of the network components. The objective of this article is to propose methodologies to detect problems caused by each of the components of the distribution network and at the same time establish actions to reduce and control technical losses of electrical energy with benefits for both distribution companies and users. . In order to know the current state of the feeders, the CYMDIST Simulator is used as a support tool, through digital modeling of the primary network it will help establish the problems present in the feeders. Through this study, it was concluded that to reduce and control technical losses, methods must be applied according to the location of the faults (transformers, conductors, protections, etc.) and the technical-economic analysis must be carried out to deduce the more appropriate methods in reducing technical losses.


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How to Cite
ChangoluisaE., SalazarM., & MarreroS. (2017). Study of the methodologies used to estimate Technical Losses in Feeders using the Modeling of their Components through the CYMDIST Software. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 1(1), 45-58. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación