Physical and Aerodynamic Properties of Lateritic Mineral for use in Pneumatic Transport

  • Enrique Torres Tamayo Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Héctor Luís Laurencio Alfonso Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Paco Jovanni Vásquez Carrera Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Marcelo Fabián Salazar Corrales Escuela Politécnica del Ejército, Latacunga
Keywords: Pneumatic transport, Float Speed, Density, Lateritic Mineral Particles


To carry out the mathematical modeling and achieve greater efficiency in the pneumatic transport systems of the lateritic mineral, in this work the physical and aerodynamic properties that have the greatest influence on the transport are determined. The correlation of the flotation speed and the resistance coefficient as a function of the diameter and moisture content of the particles is established using experimental techniques. The density of the particles, apparent density and granulometric composition of the material are also determined. It was experimentally confirmed that the flotation speed reaches a maximum value of 5.42 m/s for the largest particle diameter present in the samples. The apparent density takes a value of 1.0683 g/cm3 and the density of the particles is 3.0269 g/cm3.


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How to Cite
Torres TamayoE., Laurencio AlfonsoH. L., Vásquez CarreraP. J., & Salazar CorralesM. F. (2017). Physical and Aerodynamic Properties of Lateritic Mineral for use in Pneumatic Transport. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 1(1), 35-44. Retrieved from
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