Production of Ecological Bricks based on Polyethylene

  • Erika Reinoso Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Luis Vergara Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • David Ronquillo Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Ángel Hernández Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Brick, Ecological, Polyethylene, Environment


In this work, the Lego-type ecological brick with a dimension of 300 x 150 x 85 mm was made based on recycled polyethylene, cangahua, cement and water. It was carried out by electrohydraulic pressing, a curing process was applied by irrigating it 2 times a day for 7 days. The results obtained are more economical bricks for the construction of homes, they have a weight of 10 lb and a resistance of 38.38 kg/cm2. Its innovative Lego-type design that speeds up work, this type of brick does not require the firing process, which reduces contamination. The relevant thing about ecological brick is that it consists of an environmentally friendly construction material since baking is not used in the manufacturing process, as is done in the process of traditional bricks that emit polluting gases and soot. Its innovative Lego-type design allows for quick and easy construction and greater resistance than traditional bricks.


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(1) E. Máquinas. (2015, 04/05/2017). Ladrillo BTC Ecológico. Available:

(2) Farías. (2017, 15/05/2017). Ladrillos Ecológicos El Bajo. Available:

(3) Gómez, "Entrevista director de la empresa FUDESMA," ed, 2016.

(4) N. T. E.-I. N. E. N. 0297, "Ladrillos cerámicos - Requisitos," ed, 1978.

How to Cite
ReinosoE., VergaraL., RonquilloD., & Hernández Ángel. (2017). Production of Ecological Bricks based on Polyethylene. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 1(1), 30-34. Retrieved from
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