Comparative analysis of electricity and liquefied petroleum gas consumption in extruder machines

  • Israel Patricio Pachacama Campaña Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Heat transfer, Electrical resistors, Industrial burners and polyethylene


The project consisted of comparing the consumption of electricity and liquefied petroleum gas in the heating area in an extruder machine for the assessment of technical, economic and environmental advantages and disadvantages in the melting of plastic, knowing that the capacity of the machine is 50 kg/h and the specific heat of polyethylene is 1,9 kJ/kg.K 5,5 kW of heat is required to melt this material, therefore using method N. 1 with electrical resistors generates 6 kW, transferring 5495,97 W, with 504.03 W of losses, it has a yield of 91.59%, it takes to maintain 200 °C a time of 30'34", the monthly cost of the electricity it uses is $ 68.64, it produces an amount of 8030 kg/month ie 401 rolls of hose and has a waste of 220 kg/month, method N. 2 transfers 5311.03 W with 688.97 W of losses, has a yield of 88.51 %, is delayed 20'35" in maintaining a temperature of 200 °C , the monthly cost of natural gas is $ 153,98 produces an amount of 8327 kg/month ie 416 rolls of hose and has a waste of 110 kg/month, therefore it is considered that the method of casting N. 2, keeps the 200 °C in less time, and despite its majority cost in heat generation is more profitable is the production of 15 more rolls of hose 1 inch monthly and its material waste is twice less.


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How to Cite
Pachacama CampañaI. P. (2023). Comparative analysis of electricity and liquefied petroleum gas consumption in extruder machines. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 7(1), 1-10. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación