Location and optimal sizing of distributed generation in radial distribution networks

  • Elizabeth Velva Ortega Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Edgar Llango Guamushig Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Carlos Quinatoa Caiza Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Jimmy Xavier Toaza Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Marco Anibal León Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Distributed generation, Active Power Losses, MINLP.


The uncontrolled increase in Distributed Generation (DG) in the electrical distribution network has generated problems of overvoltage, heating of conductors, harmonics, imbalances, protections, etc. Therefore, the objective of this research is to carry out the optimal sizing and location of distributed generation, in order to minimize the total active power losses of the network subject to the technical limits established in the network code and the values ​​of active and reactive power with which the DG is sized and located. Therefore, a mixed integer nonlinear optimization (MINLP) mathematical model was developed, which meets the nonlinear characteristics due to the power flow equations as well as the binary decision variable due to location. To counteract our proposed model, the GAMS and DIGSILENT software were used, as well as the IEEE 13 and 34-bar Test Feeders and through a variation analysis by injecting 1 to 3 GDs with 30%, 60% and 70% penetration. With respect to the total demand of the system, very satisfactory results are presented in terms of the location and sizing of the DG and the reduction of technical losses in systems.


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How to Cite
Velva OrtegaE., Llango GuamushigE., Quinatoa CaizaC., ToazaJ. X., & LeónM. A. (2021). Location and optimal sizing of distributed generation in radial distribution networks. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 5(2), 125-141. Retrieved from
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