Analysis of premature wear in mechanical elements of the Ecolife automatic box used in Zhongtong brand buses

  • Evelin Lisseth Loor Hernández Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Automatic transmission, Lubricating fluid, Maintenance, Wear, Friction, Electronic diagnosis


The proposed investigation came out of the need to determine the factors involved for the premature wear of mechanical elements of an Ecolife automatic box, in the buses of a given fleet; This research will have sufficient tools to determine the correct procedure to be followed by owners of units, thus avoiding the problem presented. These types of automatic boxes are intended for mass transport vehicles, the same ones that are starting their operation in the country, being their costs high by the technology they present; what is wanted with this research, is to determine a correct and accurate maintenance plan to eliminate noticeably premature wear, and confirming that what is indicated by the manufacturer both in lubricating fluid type and in operation mode, along with other factors is right and will avoid economic losses. To obtain the expected results, the research will be limited in vehicles of the same type and working on the same routes, to ensure the viability of this research, obtaining positive results and expected by this fleet.


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How to Cite
Loor HernándezE. L. (2021). Analysis of premature wear in mechanical elements of the Ecolife automatic box used in Zhongtong brand buses. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 5(1), 1-14. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación