Analysis of the water potential of the Jaramillo River in the natural reserve of the Llanganates National Park to size a generation system that supplies the demand for electrical energy of the Premos Jaramillo association

  • Dorian Santiago Amores Ibarra Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Luis Armando Tonato Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Xavier Alfonso Proaño Maldonado Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Flow Measurement, Generator Sizing, Usable Energy, Hydraulic Projects


The generation capacity necessary to cover the estimated load of the ranches of the “Páramos Jaramillo” association is obtained by taking measured data according to the method of obtaining flow by velocity and surface, the flow is calculated using frequency histograms that allow us to find a precise value. In this way, the maximum usable power of the estimated load can be calculated with a 10% projection of 1,182 kW, thus the total load will be 1,301 kW. The generator is then sized according to the load, where a generation power of 1.5 kW single-phase at 220 V is needed, the distance between the generator and the load is 73 m where a 3x8 Cu concentric cable must be used, inside a 1” PVC pipe , it is duly buried. Estimated load and sizing of the generator, there is an annual energy of 4,769 MWh, with an annual cost of 500.85 USD, annual generation energy of 9,504 MWh with a generation cost of 907.2 USD, there is an energy not used of 4,734 MWh with a loss cost of 497.07 USD. The project has an IRR of 14 months.


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How to Cite
Amores IbarraD. S., TonatoL. A., & Proaño MaldonadoX. A. (2021). Analysis of the water potential of the Jaramillo River in the natural reserve of the Llanganates National Park to size a generation system that supplies the demand for electrical energy of the Premos Jaramillo association. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 4(2), 16-29. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación