Management system for the degree unit of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences

  • Verónica Consuelo Tapia Cerda Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Evelyn Maritza Chango Holguín Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
  • Alex Geovanny Rivera Chasiquiza Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi
Keywords: Web System, The Undergraduate Department, Automation Process


For this technological proposal, a Web System has been designed that allows the process of automatically managing the registration and control process of the activities of students about to graduate from the Degree Unit of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The system has the following modules: Student Management, Modalities Management, Tutorial Management and Reports; For the development, Visual Studio.Net was used, a Microsoft tool that integrates the “C#” programming language, which allows the development of web applications quickly and efficiently through a three-layer architecture called “View Model.” Controller". Likewise, “SQL Server 2012” was used to manage the database, since it not only allows effective integration with the programming language used, but also offers good security guarantees in the storage of information. Regarding the development methodology, the Iterative - Incremental model was used, which allowed organizing the project in iterations, which represent sub-problems to be solved, giving the possibility of making small, fully functional deliveries to the user and therefore receiving their continuous feedback, until the final achievement of the project, that is, until the software product is completely finished. As a result of this proposal, we have a software product in operation and approved by the user, which allows us to conclude that all the objectives set at the beginning of the work have been met and even more that we have contributed to the institution by delivering a tool. technology that helps improve the management of the processes already mentioned.


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How to Cite
Tapia CerdaV. C., Chango HolguínE. M., & Rivera ChasiquizaA. G. (2021). Management system for the degree unit of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 3(2), 23-32. Retrieved from
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