Mobile application for the automation of attendance control with open source and Android Studio

  • Mayorga Soria Paulina Tatiana Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE-L
  • Viteri Arias Cristian Santiago Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE-L
  • Carlos Welington Casa Guayta Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE-L
  • Silvia Fernada Toapanta Obando Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE-L
  • Galo Roberto Saavedra Acosta Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE-L
Keywords: Component, Automate, Assist Control, Workday


Attendance control systems are essential in any institution, since they allow students to monitor compliance with the work day. The objective of this research was to automate attendance control since currently there are no systematized mechanisms that facilitate this activity, so teachers use the manual method to carry out this attendance control, which requires a set of problems, such as probability in transcription and possible forgetfulness in attendance. This research presents the development of an automated solution that allows attendance control, an application developed for mobile devices with Android Operating System, based on the LAN network connection, entering the manager's localhost to capture attendance. There are two solutions for these applications, a Mobile System and a Web System. The Web System allows the management of registered attendance.


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How to Cite
Paulina TatianaM. S., Cristian SantiagoV. A., Casa GuaytaC. W., Toapanta ObandoS. F., & Saavedra AcostaG. R. (2019). Mobile application for the automation of attendance control with open source and Android Studio. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 3(2), 13-22. Retrieved from
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