Analysis of fuel consumption and tire wear rate of mining equipment

  • Marlo Leyva-Tarafa Universidad de Moa
  • Armando Cuesta-Recio Universidad de Moa
  • Orlando Belete-Fuentes Universidad de Moa
  • José Alayo-LLoren Universidad de Moa
Keywords: Consumption, Exploitation, Efficiency, Fuel, Mining Machine, Tire Wear


The work was carried out in a Mine belonging to the Cubaníquel Business Group, Holguín, Cuba, with the objective of determining the fuel consumption and tire wear rates respectively of trucks and excavators; It was structured in two parts: in the first, an analysis of the fuel consumption of trucks was made and in the second part, this consumption in backhoes was studied. In addition, the wear rate of the truck tires was determined. The unit consumption of the generated power was evaluated. As a final result, a fuel index of 31.73 l/h and 47.6 l/h was obtained for trucks and backhoes respectively; higher than the currently reported average of 25 l/h, and the pertinent checks must be adopted for its adjustment. The tire wear rate during truck operation was 163 h/mm, which is considered small.


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How to Cite
Leyva-TarafaM., Cuesta-RecioA., Belete-FuentesO., & Alayo-LLorenJ. (2019). Analysis of fuel consumption and tire wear rate of mining equipment. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 3(1), 25-36. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación