Proposal for a broadband internet service provider using the electrical grid

  • Freddy Patricio Baño Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Santiago Rodríguez Lascano Fairis
  • Fausto Alberto Viscaino Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Walter Vinicio Culque Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
Keywords: Supplier, Services, Internet, Electrical Network, Broadband


Communication over the electrical grid has been around for a long time, although it has only been used for remote control applications of narrowband repeaters, street lighting and home automation. In this research, its use is proposed to provide Internet access to the rural sectors of the Ambato canton. To achieve this, the general objective was to propose the implementation of broadband Internet Service Provider services through the public electrical network for the rural sectors of the Ambato canton, this is achieved through the review of the state of the art of Power Line Communications technologies for broadband transmissions, as well as field research on internet services in the rural area of ​​the Ambato canton, to finally design a broadband network using Power Line Communications devices. This research is focused on a qualitative-quantitative model due to the collaboration of people within the problem; and that it will be governed by the existing methodologies for the study of the problem, the types of research that will be applied are: bibliographic, since information has been taken from electronic books, digital books, theses, blogs, quotes among others; Experimental because the relationship of the independent variable and the relationship in the dependent variable has been considered to consider its causes and effects, also in the field since the researchers went to collect information directly from those involved through surveys and interviews. Finally, the development of the proposal was carried out, where the technical feasibility studies, designs and configuration of prototype equipment were carried out.


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How to Cite
BañoF. P., Rodríguez LascanoS., ViscainoF. A., & Vinicio CulqueW. (2019). Proposal for a broadband internet service provider using the electrical grid. Ciencias De La Ingeniería Y Aplicadas, 3(1), 11-24. Retrieved from
Artículo de investigación