About the Journal






1. Video Introduction


2. Objective and Scope

The purpose of the magazine "Engineering and Applied Sciences" (CIYA) is to promote the dissemination of innovations and knowledge through the publication of original articles that are distinguished by their excellence.

The magazine "Engineering and Applied Sciences" (CIYA) is published semiannually by the University Cotopaxi Technology through its Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The numbers are issued in the months of January and July, covering the periods from January to June and from July to December, respectively.

The magazine "Engineering and Applied Sciences" (CIYA) is oriented towards researchers and communities academics from disciplines such as Computer Engineering and Computer Systems, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, among other related sciences. The articles published are original and not previously published, standing out for presenting significant advances, results and discoveries in the field of engineering sciences. Furthermore, the manuscripts are accepted in Spanish.

The magazine "Engineering and Applied Sciences" (CIYA) is open all year round to receive research documentary, applied and experimental works by both national and international authors, with the purpose main goal of promoting the dissemination of scientific knowledge. CIYA Magazine only accepts proposals that stand out for their originality. Articles that comply with the regulations established by the magazine will be will be officially recognized as received, while those who do not comply will not be considered.

The Journal "Engineering and Applied Sciences" (CIYA) uses a peer review process under the double-blind modality, where 70% of the referees are experts external to the institution. This system ensures an objective and confidential evaluation of the submitted manuscripts.


3. Peer evaluation process

All articles proposed for publication in the Magazine "Engineering and Applied Sciences" (CIYA) They will be evaluated by the magazine's arbitration committee. The referees are in charge of making a objective and critical evaluation, maintaining impartiality to ensure that each article meets the standards of originality, innovation and scientific rigor required.

In the first phase of the editorial process, the committee of the Journal "Engineering and Applied Sciences" (CIYA) reviews received items using Turnitin software to detect possible cases of plagiarism. Once an article passes this initial stage, the second phase involves a detailed review of the manuscript format to ensure its conformity with the standards established for authors. In the third and final phase, the article is sent to a group of referees, whether national or international, that carry out an evaluation under the double-blind modality. During this evaluation, the referees must maintain an objective and critical stance, demonstrating impartiality to ensure that articles comply with the criteria of originality, innovation and scientific rigor.

All articles sent to the magazine will be subjected to a rigorous evaluation and review process that It is divided into several stages. In the first phase, a plagiarism detection is carried out to ensure the originality of the content. In the second phase, articles that meet the guidelines for authors, that they are free of spelling and grammatical errors, and that they present the references correctly cited and listed at the end, will be accepted as received. In the third phase, the accepted articles are evaluated by the editorial committee of the journal, which verifies the theoretical and methodological coherence of the content. Articles that pass this evaluation will later be reviewed by two referees external experts on the topic discussed. In the fourth phase, after an exhaustive evaluation of the relevance, relevance, originality, methodology, results, conclusions and the literature cited, the Reviewers will issue an anonymous opinion that will include specific recommendations for each article.

The article is publishable with minor modifications

The article is publishable with moderate modifications

The article is publishable with major modifications

The article is not publishable

The decisions of the peer evaluators are final.

Evaluation Rubric Link: Matriz_Evaluacion.xlsx


4. Scientific content

Each scientific article published in the journal comes entirely from original research in fields such as Computer Engineering and Computer Systems, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, and other related disciplines. All works reflect contributions significant and innovative to these areas of study.


5. Publication requirements

In each edition of the CIYA magazine, at least 60% of the scientific works come from institutions external, while the remaining 40% are contributions from authors affiliated with our own institution.


6. Publication Frequency

The CIYA Magazine, edited by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the Technical University of Cotopaxi, is a biannual scientific publication that offers free access to all its contents under the philosophy of the Open Access Movement. This magazine, which implements a rigorous refereeing system by peers, is dedicated to the dissemination of original and unprecedented articles of high quality in fields such as Computer Engineering and Computer Systems, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering and other related disciplines. Its objective is to promote innovation and scientific knowledge.

The issues of the magazine are published in January and July of each year. National researchers are invited international organizations to send their contributions continuously, since the call to receive works is open all year round.


7. Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public access to research helps promote greater global exchange of knowledge.

Creative commons license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

Adapt — remix, transform and build on the material for any purpose, even in the commerce.

NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes

NoDerivatives — If you mix, transform, or build on the material, you cannot distribute the material modified


8. Payments for receiving or publishing articles

CIYA Magazine does not charge any charge or fee for receiving, reviewing or publishing articles. sent to the magazine


9. Plagiarism Detection

Once the article is received, the first phase is a plagiarism review by the Committee Editorial, to do this the “Turnitin” Software will be used. Any document that presents a Similarity percentage greater than 10% will be automatically discarded and sent for correction


10. Code of ethics

Link code of etichs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HQTkxsAPmAiFiE1j4n_vfGWvW7mQk_7j/view?usp=sharing

The Technical University of Cotopaxi has a code of ethics comprehensive that identifies important elements related to management and scientific research, which CIYA magazine takes as reference these elements, as well as the principles published by the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

The Editorial Committee of CIYA Magazine will ensure that editors, peer reviewers and authors respect ethical principles at all stages of the editorial process. In this context, standards are developed detailed information for all interested parties.

1. About authors and authorship

1.1. Original and unpublished. Scientific articles submitted to the CIYA journal must be original and unpublished.

1.2. Free AccessCIYA magazine has free access to all its documents. The articles can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed and referenced in full text with attribution, without any restrictions, in accordance with the Commons the Attribution 4.0 the Creative Attribution-Non Commercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). There is no cost to publish in the magazine.

1.3. Multiple submissionsRefrain from repetitive submission of articles to publications or different publishers. This is reprehensible behavior in the dissemination of academic research.

1.4. SourcesRespect the original sources cited in your scientific article, and the Bibliographic references must be cited correctly and fully in accordance with the journal's standards.

1.5. Errors in published articles.When the author identifies in his/her manuscript any error, you must inform the editorial team of CIYA magazine and provide all the information relevant and necessary for the respective corrections.

1.6. Bibliographic References.They are committed to reviewing the most current academic literature and relevant to the topic they investigate. The use of classical literature is not ruled out or exceed 5 years of publication, provided that the state of the art requires it.

1.7. Authorship.Order authorship according to the level of responsibility and involvement in the scientific article. The authors will have to guarantee the inclusion of those people who have made a significant scientific and intellectual contribution in the conceptualization and planning of the work as well as in the interpretation of the results and in its writing.

2. About peer reviewers

2.1.Editorial decision.The reviewers undertake to carry out a critical review and constructive to ensure the scientific quality of the manuscript.

2.2. Blind peers.It will carry out a review by blind peers, where it is intended to ensure that Their opinions do not contain personal judgments.

2.3. Conflicts of interest.Evaluators or reviewers must refrain from participating in the editorial process if they have opinions or personal interests that could affect the objectivity of their evaluation.

2.4. Anonymity.The reviewers will not know the authors and will not have any knowledge about the identity of the other blind pair.

2.5. ConfidentialityOnce the evaluation process is completed, the reviewers They will refrain from revealing what they have read to people outside the magazine CIYA,

2.6. Times. Reviewers are responsible for notifying the editor if there are any any problems with the timely delivery of article evaluations.

3. From the responsibility of the editors

3.1. Honesty.In the process of reviewing and evaluating, editing and publishing each number, the transparency of the editorial team will be guaranteed.

3.2. Confidentiality.The editorial team will maintain anonymity between reviewers and authors throughout the entire process.

3.3. Communication.The doubts and clarifications requested by the authors, reviewers or anyone interested in the CIYA magazine will be responded to as soon as possible possible through the magazine's email (revista.ciya@utc.edu.ec).

3.4. Rectifications.Corrections or clarifications corresponding to your manuscript will be will be published on the magazine's website.

3.5. Review process.The editorial team will select the reviewers based on the experience and professional profile of the manuscript.

3.6. Time limit.Editors are responsible for meeting deadlines established for the review and publication of accepted manuscripts, to ensure rapid dissemination of their scientific findings.

The editorial team is committed to complying with the established times to extend a response of publication or non-publication of the scientific article, which has a maximum of 5 weeks from the receipt of your manuscript and a maximum period of 12 weeks from the beginning of the double review process blind, until its respective publication.

4. Conflicts of interest and Transparency Policy.

The Editorial Committee of CIYA magazine has confidence in what the authors present in their manuscripts and on the objectivity and impartiality of the peer reviewers. Likewise, the authors must trust the integrity, honesty of editors and reviewers.

4.1. Innapropiate behaviours.They can be identified and communicated to the Director or Editor in Chief of CIYA magazine.

4.2. Investigative process.

4.2.1. Director or Editor-in-Chief must initiate an investigation and seek advice legal in the institution responsible for the magazine.

4.2.2. Collect the evidence of the case and always keep it anonymous, to avoid leaks in the scientific field.

4.3. ViolationThe type of violation will be determined according to national regulations in force or to the Code of Ethics of the Technical University of Cotopaxi.

5. Consequences.

5.1. Publication of a magazine editorial detailing the inappropriate conduct.

5.2. Formal withdrawal from publication of the magazine.

5.3.Official embargo on the contributions of an individual or author for a period specific.


11. Interoperability protocols

CIYA magazine provides an OAI-PMH interface (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published content.


OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0

Dublin Core Metadata


12. Copyright

The authors have exclusive rights to the published work.

CIYA magazine has free access. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of authorship of the work and initial publication on this magazine.

The authors may separately establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (for example, placing it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this magazine.

Authors are permitted and encouraged to disseminate their works electronically (for example, in repositories institutional or on your own website) before and during the submission process, as it may result in productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published works


13. License Terms

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivativeWorks 4.0.

You are free to:

        Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
        The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you comply with the terms of the license

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made. You can do this in any reasonable way, but not in in any way that suggests that the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • Non-commercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • No derivatives: If you remix, transform or build on the material, you do not may distribute the modified material.

No additional restrictions: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license allows.


14. Definition of author and contributor

To be considered an author it is necessary to meet the following criteria:

  1. There is a substantial contribution to the conception or design of the article or to the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data.
  2. That you have participated in the design of the research work or in the critical review of its intellectual content.
  3. That there has been intervention in the approval of the final version that is going to be published.
  4. That there is the capacity to respond to all aspects of the article in order to ensure that issues relating to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are adequately investigated and resolved.

People who supported the research, but do not meet the author criteria will be considered in the acknowledgments section of the article.


15. Long-term preservation service(s) where the magazine is currently archived

The magazine is stored according to a set of actions and standards with the purpose of guarantee the preservation of documents during management.




Open Journal Systems is compatible with the LOCKSS system (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) that guarantees the magazine a permanent and secure archive. LOCKSS is a code program open program developed by the Stanford University Library and which allows libraries curate selected web journals by regularly searching registered journals to collect the new published content and archive it. Each file is continuously validated with records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the same magazine.

It is not necessary to install LOCKSS for Open Journal Systems until the publication; Once you reach that point, two steps must be followed:
Enable LOCKSS to store and distribute magazine content to collaborating libraries through a Manifesto page LOCKSS publishing house. You can find the LOCKSS license in the File section of the About section. magazine:

Open Journal Systems also supports the CLOCKSS system (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) to ensure a permanent and secure archive for the magazine. CLOCKSS is based on LOCKSS open source software developed at Stanford University Library, which allows Libraries maintain chosen web journals by regularly checking library websites. Registered magazines searching for recently published content and archiving it. Each file is validated constantly against other library caches and if the content is detected to have been corrupted or lost, the other caches or the magazine are used to restore it.

Setting up CLOCKSS support for Open Journal Systems does not need to be done until the publication is fully underway.

Allow CLOCKSS to store and distribute journal content to participating libraries via the CLOCKSS Publisher Manifest page.