Psycho-stimulation of memory in older adults
La psicoestimulación en la memoria de los adultos mayores
Margarita Ruiz López1, Mayte Andrea Guerrero Córdova1
, Betty
Marisol Córdova Muñoz2
, Verónica
Jeannette Cevallos López3
1Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación/ Psicopedagogía, Ambato – Ecuador
2Universidad Indoamérica, Ambato – Ecuador
3Unidad Educativa Mario Cobo Barona, Ambato – Ecuador
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Información del artículo
Tipo de artículo: Artículo original
Recibido: 10/07/2023
Aceptado: 30/09/2023
Publicado: 31/10/2023
Abstract Memory is one of the most important skills of human beings, since it allows us to learn and build our identity, who we are and who we want to become through the events we recall day by day, which is why it is currently one of the capacities that has deteriorated the most over the years due to neuronal wear, and if not intervened, these factors can contribute to neurodegenerative diseases and therefore, Cognitive Stimulation ensures the rehabilitation and maintenance of this capacity. In order to investigate the incidence of psycho-stimulation on memory in older adults, the Mini mental test to evaluate memory (pre and posttest) and the Rubio 1 booklet were used. The population consisted of 30 older adults, women, and men. With a qualitative and quantitative approach, the Chi-square statistical method was used to test the hypothesis. The results showed that during the month of application of the cognitive stimulation activities the memory status increased by 2% in women and 1.5% in men, which establishes that this intervention is effective in memory. It is concluded that psycho-stimulation has a positive impact on memory, providing a better state of health to those who receive it, in the same way it is essential that the centers responsible for the care of older adults can implement these interventions that ensure the maintenance of cognitive functioning.
Keywords: Psicoestimulación, memoria, Mini Mental Test, envejecimiento sano, adulto.
Resumen La memoria es una de las habilidades más importantes del ser humano, ya que nos permite aprender y construir nuestra identidad, quienes somos y queremos llegar a ser por medio de los acontecimientos que rememoramos día a día, es por esto que actualmente es una de las capacidades que más se ha deteriorado con el paso de los años debido al desgaste neuronal, de no ser intervenida estos factores pueden contribuir a la obtención de enfermedades neurodegenerativas y por ello, la Estimulación Cognitiva asegura la rehabilitación y el mantenimiento de esta capacidad. Con la finalidad de indagar la incidencia de la psico estimulación en la memoria de adultos mayores se utilizó el Mini mental test para evaluar la memoria (pre y post test) y el cuadernillo Rubio 1. La población estuvo compuesta de 30 adultos mayores, entre mujeres y hombres. Con un enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo donde se empleó el método estadístico Chi Cuadrado para la comprobación de la hipótesis. Los resultados arrojaron que durante el mes de aplicación de las actividades de estimulación cognitiva el estado de la memoria aumentó un 2% en mujeres y 1,5% en hombres, lo cual establece que esta intervención es eficaz en la memoria. Se concluye que la psico estimulación incide en la memoria de manera positiva brindando un mejor estado de salud a quienes lo reciben, de la misma forma es fundamental que los centros encargados del cuidado de adultos mayores puedan implementar estas intervenciones que aseguran el mantener el funcionamiento cognitivo.
Palabras clave: Psycho-stimulation, memory, Mini Mental Test, healthy aging, adult.
Forma sugerida de citar (APA): López-Rodríguez, C. E., Sotelo-Muñoz, J. K., Muñoz-Venegas, I. J. y López-Aguas, N. F. (2024). Análisis de la multidimensionalidad del brand equity para el sector bancario: un estudio en la generación Z. Retos Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía, 14(27), 9-20.
Globally, memory impairment is very common in older adults as it is associated with age (Ocaña et al., 2019), so a new type of intervention known as psycho- stimulation has emerged that allows and achieves brain neuroplasticity achieving autonomy and independence of the elderly in their activities of daily living (Acosta et al., 2019).
In such a way this type of intervention is acting comprehensively in the beneficiary person and manages to slow the progressive deterioration of the individual's cognitive abilities. There have already been good results since it also ensures neuronal activation effects through the proposed dynamics bringing as an effect the daily welfare (Sanchez, 2022).
Psycho-stimulation, also known as "cognitive stimulation" is a group of techniques and strategies that manage to reestablish the brain functions and capacity of the human being achieving a progressive existence in the physical errands performed day by day (Acosta et al., 2019). So that they are responsible for promoting autonomy and independence with the older adult regardless of the time spent their only objective is to improve the basic actions of the subject's daily life. According to Moya Herce (2022) the importance of psycho-stimulation denotes in the alteration of mental competences (memory, discernment, attention, understanding, praxis, logical and abstract reasoning, among other aspects), therefore, basic objective of these psycho- stimulation treatments is to be able to favor the brain neuro plasticity of people (Lopez and Norori 2020).
Psycho-stimulation improves the functioning of mental abilities that allow human beings to function on a daily basis (Llanga et al., 2019). Therefore, any symptom that indicates that a patient is close to or in cognitive impairment should be detected early, in addition, if it is identified immediately as the state of old age advances, the elderly will be able to face this stage satisfactorily since they will present high levels of resilience before situations of stress and emotional imbalance (Rodriguez and Tejera 2020). Therefore, when working with older adults this type of intervention is expected the reconstructive possibility of memory making possible the application of strategies that improve and optimize one's cognition and thinking (Sanchez et al., 2019).
Cognitive abilities make us as people, they are our personal condition (Enriquez Canto & Y, 2018), considering their importance we mention those that can be stimulated, and they are:
- Attention: ability to generate, select, direct and maintain an adequate level of activation to process relevant information.
- Perception: Encodes and coordinates the various elementary sensations to give them meaning.
- Comprehension: Ability to understand, analyze and reflect on the information we receive. Memory: Records and stores the different experiences, whether they are ideas, images, events, etc.
- Language: System of linguistic signs that allow us to communicate, both orally and in writing.
- Processing Speed: Capacity that establishes the relationship between cognitive execution and time invested. It allows us to process information quickly and automatically.
- Orientation: Ability to be aware of oneself and the context in which we find ourselves, that is, to be aware of personal level, time and place.
- Reasoning: Ability to solve problems (problem solving), draw conclusions and learn consciously from events so that we can establish causal and logical relationships.
- Learning: Relatively stable transformations in behavior brought about by different experiences that result in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills.
- Praxis: Ability to perform voluntary, intentional and organized movements to carry out a plan or achieve a goal.
- Gnosis: Ability to recognize information previously learned through the senses. Executive Control: Complex mental activities responsible for integrating, organizing and coordinating the rest of cognitive abilities.
Although all brains seem to be identical in appearance and structure, thanks to several research and proven scientific facts we can confirm and assure that there are not and will not be equal brains (García and L.M., 2019). No brain is the same as others, we all think, act and perceive differently (Garcia, 2019). Diversity in this aspect is total and for this the professional in charge of this therapy must know how the brain works in order to adapt the strategies and methods used to the rhythm of the individual who is going to be the beneficiary of the therapy, otherwise there is a risk that they will not work or have optimal impact on the user.
In order to enter the wide world of memory, we must know its origin, which comes from the Latin memini meaning to record or embed, which refers to the existence of existing data that once produced can be recalled thanks to the capacity it possesses (Gómez et al., 2022). Memory is the ability to consolidate, preserve and recall all the information that a subject process, which can be personal tastes, recordings, memories, outings, photographs, words, aromas and many others that are acquired in the course of a human being's life (Echeburúa et al., 2019). Without memory we would not have the ability to think, learn, remember everything we have lived, our existence would be empty (Gonzáles and García, 2019). Hence the importance of maintaining memory in the elderly because this capacity keeps them aware of themselves in time and space.
Memory being one of the main functions of the brain for being a key factor in the formation of knowledge (Palacios, 2019), it is fundamental because thanks to its neuronal connections it achieves meaningful learning, there is no learning without memory and no memory without learning (Muchiut et al., 2019). Nowadays its vitality has been minimized and it has been forgotten that this allows beneficial results in labor, educational, daily areas, among others, and that is why it is thought that it is not important, however, if we dedicate ourselves to take care of our memory it will take care of us over the years (Presman,2022). Remembering and maintaining our experiences is an act of emotional intelligence that we, as people responsible for ourselves, must exercise and allow for our well-being.
Cognitive impairment is a common condition in aging (Parada et. al., 2022) and some of its causes are: physiological changes in the brain with advancing age, abandonment of work activities, difficulty in activities that used to be performed successfully leading to lack of social skills. When an individual is impaired, other domains are often affected (executive functions) and this even affects the understanding of the environment (De la Hoz and García, 2021). As part of the actions that maintain the cognitive level and personal autonomy is the Psycho-stimulation that has stimuli in the environment and allows people to rehabilitate their faculties in a safe and dynamic way (Sillero, 2020) in this way this type of intervention can be planned individually or in groups according to the needs of the environment. On the other hand, it is essential to detect in time which capacities are affected since some may be preserved, but others with detrimental decreases (Mejía and Cossio, 2021), as professionals there is a large panorama of detection instruments that allow this diagnosis avoiding counterproductive results in the independence and quality of life of the older adult.
Healthy aging occurs when our brain understands cognitive changes according to age and are stable without evolving to dementia (Cruz et al., 2022), so it is important that the older adult is stable both physically, emotionally and cognitively, due to the connection that these factors is that the comprehensive welfare is achieved. At all times and stages our brain acquires information and this is how we must ensure that our memory capacity is in good condition and as such memory is linked to emotions because it depends on their intensity, so it is necessary to create strategies and techniques that achieve this goal and achieve a favorable intervention (Benavidez and Flores, 2019). By obtaining and implementing programs that ensure their feasibility in all the aforementioned areas, a satisfactory longevity will be achieved, obtaining as a result a healthy aging (Rosalí, 2022).
This study proposes changes in cognitive plasticity (Del Carmen Olarte, 2020) by means of psycho-stimulation to rehabilitate and improve memory in older adults, which as mentioned before is fundamental for the well-being of each individual because it manages to preserve their skills for daily development. In the same way in the test that was administered there are other cognitive functions that can be measured such as calculation, fixation, orientation and language. Because of this, Mini, (2020) stresses the importance of developing programs for care centers that promote the maintenance of these functions through dynamic activities such as painting, drawing, word games, music, among others, not only for their effectiveness but also for their suitability to promote teamwork that stimulates cognition in motivated and enjoyable older adults. Finally, previous research has also shown the influence of cognitive stimulation on memory, for this reason, they are considered mediators in the model. The objective of the study is to determine the influence of psycho-stimulation on memory in older adults.
Participants. The population was taken from the "Sagrado Corazón de Jesús" Home for Elderly Adults located in the city of Ambato, Ecuador and was composed of 30 elderly adults, 15 women and 15 men. The exclusion criteria applied were those older adults who did not attend the day of the evaluation.
Instruments. For this study the Mini Mental test was administered, a written test that evaluates cognitive impairment considering the diagnosis of dementia (Quinaloa, 2020), by means of this test it was possible to exclude those patients who presented a diagnosis of mental derangement since, as has been shown in previous research, psycho-stimulation does not cause any effect in people with this condition due to its continuous mental change. Knowing this, a pre-test and a post-test were administered to indicate the level of improvement obtained. In addition, we used the Rubio 1 cognitive stimulation booklet, since it is one of the dynamic materials that can support the cognitive skills that are in deficit in the elderly.
Research Scope: Exploratory, according to Alvarez (2020) a study is exploratory when it is deep and investigates problems that have been little known or studied by the individual, due to the little information obtained or data that are not clear, in such a way that they analyze the problem with new approaches and are directly related to the objective of the study, obtaining in the future other derivatives that can be investigated. In such a way, this research is exploratory from the moment in which it is investigated about the stimulation in memory of older adults, until the moment in which the direct activities are carried out with the subjects involved.
According to Zabala and Torres (2020), the research is descriptive when it analyzes the characteristics, qualities and properties of the problem, having as its main objective to investigate its basis or facts. For this reason, the study is descriptive, since we analyzed the peculiarities that were in deficit in the Older Adults in order to finally measure these attributes and look for solutions that can provide them with a healthy lifestyle.
As mentioned by Arias (2020) the main objective of this type of scope is to observe and know the way in which the dependent variable acts according to the independent one, if they are related or if there is a dominant one. Therefore, the research is correlational because we will apply our initial test and by obtaining this result, we will know how the memory of older adults behaves once the psycho-stimulation activities have been applied and if there was an influence of this on the results of the post-test.
Once the Mini Mental Test was administered as a pre- and post-test, the following results were obtained in the area of memory:
3 pts. |
3 pts. |
1 |
TR001 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
AN002 |
0 |
3 |
3 |
ZA003 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
LA004 |
0 |
3 |
5 |
SS005 |
1 |
2 |
6 |
ED006 |
2 |
2 |
7 |
TR007 |
2 |
3 |
8 |
CR008 |
1 |
2 |
9 |
RL009 |
2 |
3 |
10 |
IV010 |
0 |
2 |
11 |
MV011 |
2 |
2 |
12 |
PL012 |
1 |
3 |
13 |
MM013 |
1 |
2 |
14 |
CM014 |
2 |
3 |
15 |
PV015 |
2 |
3 |
19 |
37 |
4,6 |
8,6 |
Table 1: Pre and Post test results in Memory of women.
3 pts. |
3 pts. |
1 |
JM001 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
MV002 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
GP003 |
1 |
2 |
4 |
DM004 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
MP005 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
HB006 |
1 |
2 |
7 |
FP007 |
0 |
0 |
8 |
CB008 |
2 |
2 |
9 |
AP009 |
0 |
2 |
10 |
AR010 |
2 |
2 |
11 |
RA011 |
2 |
3 |
12 |
GR012 |
1 |
1 |
13 |
JP013 |
0 |
2 |
14 |
JL014 |
2 |
3 |
15 |
PT015 |
1 |
1 |
17 |
25 |
4,2 |
6,1 |
Table 2: Pre and Post test results in Memory for men.
As can be observed, the initial memory level was adequate and in none of the cases there were results lower than 24 in the totality of the test, otherwise these subjects would have been excluded from the psycho-stimulation program to avoid changes in their condition and in the research (Burillo et al., 2020). In such a way, as shown by the results vary from 0 to 3 according to the level of memory possessed by the individuals and after the psycho-stimulation activities in most of the cases it increased and in the others, it was maintained, giving as results:
- In women when the pre-test was administered there was an adequate percentage in terms of this capacity, however, after the month of application this capacity has shown an increase of 2% which indicates to us that memory was successfully rehabilitated.
- In men, when the pre-test was administered, there was an adequate percentage of this capacity; however, after the month of application, this capacity has shown an increase of 1.5%, which indicates that the memory was successfully rehabilitated.
In this way, the importance of cognitive intervention without the need for drugs is contemplated and although the deterioration is accompanied by a decline, the intervention allows in maintenance and improvement of brain performance (Zapirain, 2021). Therefore, they identified the importance of various mentally stimulating activities, such as programs focused on memory, sports or relaxation workshops, reading or writing, reflexology, art therapy, music therapy, among others, (Aramendiz and Guerra, 2022). Because any of them contributes to prevent the deficits that appear with age.
Chi-square tests |
Value |
gl |
Asymptotic significance (bilateral) |
Exact significance (bilateral) |
Exact significance (unilateral) |
Pearson's chi-square |
5, 400a |
1 |
,020 |
Continuity correction |
3,750 |
1 |
,053 |
Likelihood ratio |
5,683 |
1 |
,017 |
Fisher's exact test |
,050 |
,025 |
Linear by linear association |
5,220 |
1 |
,022 |
N of valid cases |
30 |
a. 0 cases (0.0%) have an expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.00. |
b. Only calculated for a 2x2 table. |
Table 3. Chi-square tests
Comparison between the calculated chi and the chi-square of the table.
Chi Comparison |
Chi Calculated |
Chi from Table |
5,40 |
3,84 |
Tabla 4: Chi Comparison
In recent years there has been an increase in psychological interventions, such as psycho-stimulation (Robles, 2022) and in this study we have demonstrated the effect of this on memory in older adults determined by verifying our hypothesis, which tested our variables and their relationship (Lastre et al., 2019) by means of the chi-square statistical method, where the determined percentage increased when the activity was applied, confirming that cognitive stimulation improves memory performance (Jimenez et al., 2019). In addition, the memory of older adults was evaluated with a pre-test to determine the initial level of memory and a post-test where its increase was determined, the instrument used is the MMSE (mini-mental), not only was responsible for measuring cognitive impairment in the elderly, it was also responsible for excluding those who have dementia was the main exception for the intervention to be effective (Navarro, 2019).
Psycho-stimulation activities were established to improve the quality of life (Caicedo, 2022) that were administered during one month (except Saturdays and Sundays, due to family visits) this was achieved using the Rubio 1 memory booklet with memory capacity rehabilitation tasks (Carrillo et al., 2021), some individually and others in small groups to meet the diverse needs of our older adults. Finally, the importance of memory restoration was identified as it improves or preserves other cognitive skills such as attention, calculation, focus, language and structure (Aguilera, 2020) without worsening or changing the individual's condition. A positive way to ensure better health outcomes (Gomez and Curcio, 2021) for those who receive it, and equally important, facilities responsible for the care of older adults can implement these interventions to ensure the preservation of cognitive function.
The contribution made by all the authors in the study was fundamental: Paulina Margarita Ruiz López; Mayte Andrea Guerrero Córdova; Betty Marisol Córdova Muñoz; Verónica Jeannette Cevallos López.
The authors would like to thank the Universidad Técnica de Ambato (UTA) and the Dirección de Investigación y Desarrollo (DIDE) for their support for this work. Special thanks to the Hogar Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.
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