The effects of process-based approach in the performance of the writing skill


Los efectos del enfoque basado en procesos en el desarrollo de la destreza escrita


Lorena Fernanda Parra Gavilánez1, Diana Carolina Valverde Escalante1, Ximena Alexandra Calero Sánchez1, Lorena Monserrath Meléndez Escobar1


1Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación, Centro de Idiomas, Ambato – Ecuador  


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Tipo de artículo: Artículo original


Recibido:   10/07/2023


Aceptado: 30/09/2023


Publicado: 31/10/2023






The research that follows provides an overview and an application of "Process-Based Approach and the Writing Skills" and looks at the various methods and procedures that may be used to create quality writing and advance Productive Skills. The pre- and post-tests used in this research application, which was produced using a quantitative method, evaluated the performance on writing-related criteria such language use, content, and organization. Process-Based Approach procedures, including the main subject preview, group brainstorming, student investigations, class discussions, templates, first drafts, peer reviews, teacher reviews, and final drafts, were used during class time to study those components. The participants of this study were high school English language learners in the tenth grade. The findings that are related to the investigation conclusion and highlight the accomplishment of its goal. By utilizing process-based approach methodologies, English Language Learners develop their writing abilities. Results reveal that the majority of English Language Learners increase their writing product's organization and content, which demonstrates improved concept communication in the target language.


Keywords: Writing skill, productive skill, process-based approach



El presente estudio proporciona una visión general y una aplicación de "Enfoque basado en procesos y las habilidades de escritura" y analiza los diversos métodos y procedimientos que se pueden utilizar para crear escritura de calidad y mejorar las habilidades productivas. Las pruebas previas y posteriores utilizadas en la aplicación de esta investigación, que se produjeron utilizando una técnica cuantitativa, evaluaron el desempeño en criterios relacionados con la escritura, como el uso del lenguaje, el contenido y la organización. Los procedimientos de enfoque basado en procesos, incluyendo la vista previa del tema principal, la lluvia de ideas en grupo, las investigaciones de los estudiantes, las plantillas de clase, los primeros borradores, las revisiones por pares, las revisiones de los maestros y los borradores finales se utilizaron durante el tiempo de clase para estudiar esos componentes. Los participantes del estudio fueron estudiantes de inglés de secundaria de décimo grado. Las conclusiones de la investigación ponen de relieve el logro de su objetivo. Al utilizar metodologías de enfoque basadas en procesos, los estudiantes de inglés desarrollan sus habilidades de escritura. Los resultados revelan que la mayoría de los estudiantes de inglés aumentan la organización y el contenido de su producto de escritura, lo que demuestra una mejor comunicación conceptual en el idioma de destino.


Palabras clave: Destreza de escritura, destreza productiva, enfoque basado en procesos.


Forma sugerida de citar (APA): López-Rodríguez, C. E., Sotelo-Muñoz, J. K., Muñoz-Venegas, I. J. y López-Aguas, N. F. (2024). Análisis de la multidimensionalidad del brand equity para el sector bancario: un estudio en la generación Z. Retos Revista de Ciencias de la Administración y Economía, 14(27), 9-20.





It is important that teachers choose the most effective methods and approaches to improve the results of teaching in general and develop the oral competence of students in a particular way, Saeed Al-Sobhi (2018). The techniques used in class enhance how well pupils retain knowledge and comprehension. Nevertheless, as a part of language teaching theories, these methods are a combination of practical experience, intuition, and creativity as well as some theoretical consideration as new changes in language theories and in a new psychological perspective on language learning (Liu & Shi, 2007).

The various aspects that society offers every day, notably in terms of language, culture, and new modes of learning, cause a general change in methods and approaches. Students can design their own methods of learning information that will be crucial according to their needs because techniques and approaches will be a crucial aspect of language's development and progress. From a practical experience, intuition, and creative perspective on language learning, in part (Liu & Shi, 2007).

Each ability is complemented by techniques and strategies that enhance the procedure and help accomplish the initial objectives. Even if there won't be enough time to evaluate them all during the process, scheduling a specific time to do so will have a positive impact. According to Publishing (2015), a variety of strategies for teaching writing have been used over the years. The distinctions between the three primary approaches—the gender-based approach, the process-based approach, and the product-based approach—have, however, received more attention and discussion in recent years.  However, some of them have shown to be the most helpful throughout time because to the experience that instructors and other professionals have gained.

The process-based approach is viewed as a series of phases that assist the learner in gaining comprehensive knowledge based on the organization and improvement of the information. This strategy can be used to help students manage their knowledge of the English language by giving them more tools to help each one of them grow (Herlinda & Corresponding, 2015).

Modern classrooms can benefit from the process approach to writing instruction. This method combines numerous strategic components of unconventional and some more traditional writing approaches, emphasizing model texts (like the product approach) and writing processes, such as


planning writing (like the process approach). Additionally, it imparts gender information to pupils using gender approaches (Tudor, 2017). In short, the technique consists of a series of stages that can be implemented one at a time to both enhance writing and demonstrate improvement. It might also work well with other methods to implement a better view. In addition, the process-based approach's primary goal is to foster students' creativity and provide them the freedom to build their own knowledge (Rohmatika, 2014).


Research Background

The effectiveness of the process-based approach in the teaching of writing as seen from the level of students' creativity and its involvement in the evaluation of writing was examined in a study conducted by Rohmatika (2014), and it was discovered that creativity levels in writing ability are among the hardest for students to master. This study's methodology was experimental with a quantitative approach, and the researcher employed a variety of tools and resources to gather data on verbal and written creativity. A total of 124 people were subjected to it, and they were divided into groups based on how creative they were. In the end, the researcher concluded that while the process and product approach did not significantly alter results, the process-based approach produced superior outcomes since it allowed students to expand their creative and organizational skills.

It is mentioned that it is vital to introduce efficient techniques to increase the writing ability that improves student academic outcomes in the work named "The Impact of the Project Work and the Method of the Writing Process on the Writing Production" published by Diaz (2014). This inquiry used a "case study" methodology that was centered on a single case and required a careful assessment. Students studying environmental engineering in Colombia at level A2 of English were subjected to the study. The findings revealed two distinct constraints, namely the length of the study and the volume of data to be evaluated. The study also notes that the involvement of the teacher is essential since he must oversee the process to implement this kind of project in the development of writing.

Additionally, several research favored the use of extra tools to enhance this critical competency. For instance, Guzman & Moreno's investigation into "The use of Plotagon to improve the ability to write in English in high school students" (2019) revealed that students can produce better writing by using interactive applications. This study was used to discover a brand-new method for students to simultaneously enhance their writing and produce original content.

On the other hand, Writing & Networks (2005) noted that activities geared toward web-based social networking tools, offer good possibilities to carry out the preliminary writing phases, peer evaluation, and review of the writing process. This strategy can be paired with other teaching materials; in this scenario, the students can use the available technology to collaborate on a project or just complete a task. In conclusion, by following a process where they can investigate and enhance the knowledge received, students can significantly improve their use of the English language. Similar to this, there are typically numerous phases involved in writing. Three steps make up a normal sequence: prewriting, writing, and review. However, certain processes—such as thinking, planning, writing, and editing—use four steps and according to Onazawa (2010), some people follow a five-step process: prewriting, writing, reviewing, editing, and evaluation.

The phases in this strategy might be changed depending on the difficulty level and the urgency of the task. In a similar vein, there are instances where teachers introduce new procedures that speed up the development of writing skills. Additionally, the process-based approach to teaching writing can be used—and is best used—in several educational paradigms. An ideal teaching outcome can be obtained by teaching various students utilizing the same process approach but different writing instruction models. in 2009 (Sun & Feng).

However, it is stated that "writing is an extremely complex cognitive activity in which the writer is required to demonstrate control of the variables at the same time" (Sekhar & Rao, 2018). One of the four abilities that must be mastered to utilize English correctly is writing. As was already mentioned, to produce a decent outcome, this skill needs the application of various secondary skills.

Even for native speakers of a language, writing often appears to be the most difficult skill because it requires not only the graphic representation of speech but also the development and presentation of thoughts in a structured manner (Hossain, 2015). Writing is the productive ability in written mode, which is further complicated than it initially appears. According to Sekhar and Rao (2018), "writing is the system of written symbols, which represent the sounds, syllables, or words of the language, with different mechanisms: capital letters, spelling, and punctuation, as well as form


and function of words" (p. 3). Schmandt-Besseart & Erard (2008) also noted that writing is a crucial tool for influencing the future in addition to providing means to recover the past.

There is information available regarding the writing process, where teachers can find various tools to enhance the outcome. However, most studies have revealed that the procedure is crucial for the accurate presentation of the subject and the reader's concept transmission. The effect it has on L1 can also be confirmed in the various outcomes shown in the earlier documents. Since there is always something new to learn and discuss, the study of this subject should go on because it will assist students learn how to structure and produce good essays.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of the Process-Based Approach on the learners’ performance of the writing skill.



The development of this study was based on the quantitative method as it allowed the research to reach the set objectives. The quantitative method can be useful for academicians and investigators in all research area specifically those who are studies in the social science area. In this regard, the investigators endeavor to illustrate and explain more about these a practical approach in methodology till the other researchers apply appropriate method or approach based on their investigations and expand the world of science in the correct way based on their knowledge and investigations (Mehrad & Tahriri, 2019, p.6). For example, in this research the results were illustrated and showed how the approach applied can modified the writing process, providing a better overview of the criteria graded such as content, grammar and vocabulary and organization.


Materials. Various resources were employed throughout the research to gather information and support the main goal of this document. First, according to the various criteria that the research presents, rubrics from a secondary institution were the research was carried out were assessed and chosen. A certified rubric was also a key tool to employ; the Cambridge Writing rubric for B1 level was appropriate for the research and the students' level. Additionally, since the inquiry is focused on the writing process, a variety of tools were employed to support the methodology, including a template for brainstorming, a "Hamburger" essay organizer template, a Pre-test, and a Post-test to gauge the degree of improvement. It was a standardized test from Cambridge University, Preliminary test (PET). The writing section was selected for the purpose of this study.

A planner was made after the materials were assembled in order to coordinate the research and the time required to complete the entire study. As a result, pupils in high school's 10th grade started using a two-week planner.


Experimental design. Pre-experimental study of this kind was conducted because the topic was aimed at a one set of students who demonstrated their capacity to respond to the skill being examined and how they could acquire a new technique to improve the initial findings, to evidence and compare the results before and after the procedure was applied. For instance, a Pre-test was used at the start of the research to get a general idea of the students' prior knowledge and to identify the many parts that they need to apply and enhance. Following that, a writing process was established that considered some strategies and followed a procedure to improve the result over the original.

Participants. The participants in this study were high school learners from 10th grade which level of English was intermediate according to the Common European Framework.


Data collection. As mentioned before the writing section from the Preliminary Test from Cambridge Exams was used as a pre-test and as a post-test to collect the information. The students had to write formal essays from familiar topics before the implementation of the process-based approach to improve the writing skill and after the experimentation to compare the results and see the effects of the experimentation.



In this section the results are presented and discussed in relation to the aim of this study. There is certainly evident the results change from the Pre-test to the Post-test. First, each section that was mentioned on the rubric is over 5 points, that is why at the end there is a final grade over 15 points. On the Content and Communication aspect the students got an average of 3.25 points out of 5 which is not low level, but they need to improve. By contrast on the Post-test, the grades increased to 4.00 points out of 5 that shows a good improvement after applying the Process-based approach. The organization aspect which is


significant in the research since the approach mentioned before is directed to organization and writing structure, obtained good results as the learners got an average of 3.00 point in the Pre-test and then got 4.5 points in the Post-test. The

36 students showed that they surely improved their knowledge and accomplished the main goal of the research. This result was achieved by using a “Hamburger Structure” activity which was helpful for organizing their ideas in a sequential way. So, they were able to create a draft with an overview of their final essay. The language aspect was focused on the way students used a variety of vocabulary and expressions to set their ideas, additionally, a grammar overview was graded too. The results on the Pre-test were a 3.00 out of 5, which went higher on the Post-test to a 4.00 out of 5.00 points. It showed that students used on the final product the different expressions and linking words they could use in their developed essays.






Expected Average

Content and Communication
















Table 1. Pre-test and pos-test results


Sequerira (2012) mentioned that teaching is a set of events outside of students, designed to support the internal learning process. During this process, students could increase prior knowledge and obtain more information about the assigned topics to be written. In addition to that, Ababio (2013) stated that "The main objective of teaching is that teacher makes sure that students learn what they have been taught". The use of different activities using the Process-Based Approach motivated and engaged the students to improve their writing skills which agrees with previous studies that suggest the use of this approach for the development of different learning and language skills.  Francisco (2013), the current condition of foreign language teaching can be described as a situation of struggle between traditional learning and innovation. When learners are immersed in a series of classroom activities that interest them, they feel motivated to learn and the teaching process becomes attractive for both, learners and teachers. As already mentioned, the teaching process involves many things that the teacher is responsible for, therefore, he or she has to improve this process by adding new methodologies and approaches. The teaching process is constantly changing, and teachers are the main key that must be updated and available to change the way of teaching for students to maintain knowledge temporarily.



The Process-Based Approach has a deeper connection with the Writing Skills. During this process students showed a noticeable improvement on the presentation and content of the final product which evidence that by using this set of strategies the Writing Skills will be develop in a higher level. By applying this approach, the learners will be able not only to improve their writing level, but they will also enhance their vocabulary, grammar, and most of all general knowledge about multiple topics. In short, this approach and skill belong together to make the results greater as well as the understanding of the language.



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